UCF Student Conduct Hearings

We represent UCF Students at Conduct Hearings.

Have you been sent a letter requiring your mandatory appearance at the Office of Student Conduct for a Student Conduct Hearing?

Let Strecker Legal represent you at the hearing as your Advisor. UCF Students have to right to attend any formal disciplinary hearing with an Advisor of their choosing present. Although the Advisor cannot speak on the Student’s behalf at the hearing, the advisor can consult with the student throughout the hearing.

Student Conduct Hearings are a quasi-legal administrative hearing. Students have many rights that UCF will not advise them of. You need an attorney present not only to inform you of your rights as a Student at a Public University, but also to make sure your rights are not violated.

Serious consequences can result from Student Conduct Hearings including expulsion, suspension for multiple semesters, disciplinary probation and academic probation.

If you do not raise complex procedural objections during the course of your initial Student Conduct Hearing, such as due process, competent substantial evidence and essential requirements of the law, you will have no recourse to appeal your hearing outcome in the Ninth Judicial Circuit of Florida, should your hearing result in severe and punitive sanctions.

Choose Strecker Legal as your Advisor for you Student Conduct Hearing! Protect your rights!

Please call Strecker Legal today for a Free Consultation regarding your upcoming Student Conduct Hearing!

Don’t let a silly mistake at college follow you around the rest of your life!

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